Pandemic Preparedness
In the 21st century, the world’s population lives closer together as urbanization increases, with more than 68% of the global population projected to live in cities by 2050. We’re encroaching on new ecosystems as the world’s growing population, now more than 7.5 billion people breaks into new environments to find living space. We’re more mobile than ever with more than 4.1 million passengers traveling by air in 2017 alone. These and other factors make us more susceptible than ever to global pandemics - epidemics that spread globally.
The documentary, “Unseen Enemy” looks at outbreaks become epidemics, which then spread as pandemics and how to prevent them. We invite you to take action now to promote pandemic preparedness and educate yourself on this important issue.
Be Prepared
Pandemics can take many forms, one of the most likely being the flu. In the event you find yourself at risk of the spread of a pandemic, here are some things you can do to prepare and inform yourself.
Watch Unseen Enemy
Unseen Enemy has been distributed via 25 broadcast and digital releases. In addition, the film has featured at 81 events on five continents and in 27 countries. Find out where you can watch the film.
Spread The facts
The speed of information in a digital age can be a tool to spread good information or a tool to spread panic through inaccurate information. Do your part to spread good information by sharing the facts.
In the 21st century, we are all connected. Population growth, mass urbanization, deforestation, climate change and increased travel have dramatically increased the risk that familiar diseases will spread and mutate, and new ones will emerge. As people enter new spheres of biodiversity, they come in closer contact with other species, increasing the risk of viruses jumping from animals to humans, and then spreading more widely.
Unseen Enemy examines why in the 21st century we are experiencing a rash of diseases that were once only outbreaks but have now become full-blown epidemics.
Moving across the globe, we meet our characters: doctors, disease detectives, everyday men and women. Every one of them has stepped into the horror of an epidemic and emerged deeply changed.
Examining the recent epidemics of Ebola, Influenza, and Zika, Unseen Enemy makes it clear that epidemics bring out the best and worst of human behavior, and that their effect goes far beyond the terrible tolls of sickness and death. We are all connected to any person, animal, and insect that may have an infectious disease incubating in them. And that connection is either incredibly dangerous or a powerful force for good. It is our choice which of those becomes true.